His favorite thing to draw is big boobie'd girls, but men will do in a pinch. Later analysis showed that he suffered a diabetic coma while on Mars.Ĭory has proven his artistic prowess and perfectionist nature time and again in Slightly Artistic, by usually being the first to finish a sketch, and that sketch usually being the most seriously done of the group.
He soon joined N.A.S.A's mars colonization program and returned speaking 'Crazy Frog language' and claimed to see a 'Marsquatch' while he was playing Sonic Adventure 2 Battle for Gamecube. The series ended after two seasons due to Cory beginning to form pity for Chris-Chan, as his life has grown to be sad. In the late 2000's, Cory gained internet fame with his animated series based on the award winning graphic novel series Sonichu by Christian Weston Chandler. Because of his parents aversion to Missouri's contaminated tap water, Cory was spared from mutating into Water People, and got to live a normal everyday life (for the most part), making such accomplishments, including breaking and entering because of Truth and Dare, wasting all of the emergency power laughing at DragonBall Z, throwing his sister off of a flight of stairs, playing the trombone in a jazz band, etc. Louis labor camps and later grew up in Missouri.
1.2 Resurgence and Alleged Second DeathĬory was born to two hard working Americans in the St.1.1 The Siege of Kickassia, Death and Revival.